
Connections From 10am Meeting every Thursday Morning in the back hall a time for bible study, fellowship and sharing  


Small Groups

Small Groups Doing faith together During the week we have smaller groups who meet together to share their faith. Bible study, discipleship, encouragement, friendship, pastoral care and social events Email us for more details

Small Groups2021-09-28T08:03:16+00:00

Friday Prayers

Friday Prayers - Meeting weekly to seek and pray for Newsong,  Bromsgrove, our community, nation and world. Fellowship, thankfulness, blessing, forgiveness, intercession, healing, adoration, supplication. spiritual warfare, prophetic and communion. Seeking God's heart, listening to His voice and talking to our Father in heaven. Meeting on Zoom every Friday morning from 7:00am for half an [...]

Friday Prayers2024-01-24T19:45:10+00:00
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